蔡志坚:AMTD的新2.0时代 — 在纽约证券交易所的演讲
2019年8月5日,亚洲第一大独立民营投资银行尚乘国际(AMTD International, NYSE: HKIB)成功在美国纽约证券交易所IPO挂牌交易。这是迄今为止第一家在美国资本市场上市的香港金融机构集团,同时也是唯一一家在美国上市、由中国人自己创立的亚洲本土投行。尚乘国际本次IPO发行募集资金2.0亿美元,发行后市值超过20亿美元,成为目前美国资本市场上市值最高的五大独立投资银行(Independent Investment Banks)之一。
2015年,我带领着一支充满狮子山精神、源自香港的专业人士团队进入尚乘,推动尚乘的改革重组,使尚乘转型成为一家成熟专业、面向全球市场的综合性金融机构,并重新赋予尚乘新的核心价值观:愿景(Aspiration)、动力(Momentum)、合作(Teamwork)和决心(Determination)。我们秉承创业、创新和普惠金融的精神,将尚乘建设和发展成为新经济领域的领先金融机构,在制定业务方向和连接商业伙伴、核心客户的过程中,积极采用人工智能(AI)、自动化系统(Machine)、新技术(Technology)和数字化服务(Digitalisation)。我希望通过打造尚乘独具特色的生态系统,构建属于我们的金融服务世界,赋能我们的客户、股东、被投资公司和各方利益相关者,使他们互联互通,为每一方创造最大化的价值,这就是我们的“AMTD SpiderNet”生态系统。
A- Adventure:这是过去几年来,在各位的支持下,尚乘与诸位客户、合作伙伴、股东与被投资公司共同努力奋斗经历的一段精彩的旅程(Adventure);
M - Mission:作为第一家在纽约证券交易所上市的香港金融机构和亚洲独立投资银行,拥抱美国市场、走上国际化发展道理,让中国人创立的投资银行真正站立在华尔街之巅,这将是所有尚乘同仁矢志不渝的使命(Mission)与愿景;
T- Teamwork:尚乘发展到今天的成绩,离不开我们团队合作(Teamwork)的共同努力,在此我也向每一位为今天上市做出贡献的AMTD同仁表达诚挚的感谢;
D - Destination:我们一直把纽交所视为我们的第一个上市目的地(Destination),这里是华尔街历史的源头,也是现代金融资本世界的殿堂。我们希望以纽交所为起点,从这里走向世界。

Thank you NYSE! Thank you everyone for joining us for our special day!
Now, I want to tell you all about a story of AMTD, a story which started some 16 years ago, the year when Mr. Li Ka-Shing, CK Hutchison created AMTD and gave us our name which stands for abbreviation of Add, Minus, Times, Divide, number correlation, big data and financial services. In 2015, I brought into AMTD a team of HK professionals, with Lion Rock's spirit from our heart, transforming AMTD into a full fledged financial institution, we see the core values of the NEW AMTD as Aspiration, Momentum, Teamwork and Determination. We uphold the spirit of entrepreneurship, innovation and financial inclusion along the way we build and develop AMTD into a leading financial institution in the new economy world, we embrace AI, Machine, Technology and Digitalisation along the way we map out our business directions, partners and core clients. I envision to build our own financial services world by creating our proprietary eco-system, one that would empower and enable the inter-connectivity of our clients, shareholders, stakeholders and portfolio companies, maximizing and creating values for everyone, THIS, is our AMTD SpiderNet.
Now, I am so much honored and proud to be here today. Up on the stage of NYSE, thank you once again for all your support. I see AMTD 4 letters as something very different today:
A- I see that it's an ADVENTURE we all have been through together in the past years, on the back of many layers of friendship, partnership and trust;
M - I see it as a MISSION for all AMTD staffs to take on, being the first hk financial institution and the first Asia independent investment bank to achieve NYSE listing, we will embrace the US market and march our road of internationalisation ;
T - it's definitely our TEAMWORK to make us successful, to all AMTD staffs, each of you are contributing to the listing today - thank you sincerely to each of you;
D - we always see NYSE as our first DESTINATION to list, to go global.
We will not stop here, but seeing today as an opening up of a new era, AMTD 2.0 will start today and we are CONFIDENT because of all of your support and partnership. Thank you all once again!

纽约证券交易所执行副主席Betty Liu向蔡志坚赠送纽约证券交易所上市证书