Far East Horizon US$300m 5Y Senior Bond Offering
On 11th Feb 2020, Far East Horizon Co. Limited (“FEH” or the “Company”, 3360.HK) successfully priced its US$300m 5Y senior fixed rate bond offering (the “Transaction”). AMTD acted as a Joint Bookrunner and Joint Lead Manager on the Transaction.

This is FEH’s first USD bond offering since 2018, with the lowest coupon and yield for a 5-year transaction issued by FEH. The Company announced the IPG at T+240 bps area. The strong orderbook allowed a price tightening of 40 bps from IPG to final pricing of T+200 bps. The orderbook was of high quality and grew rapidly from the onset to US$1.35bn before noon, and up to US$2.9bn by final pricing, amounting to an oversubscription of 9.7 times.
AMTD provided an aggressively priced lead order at the start of the book-building process, which gave the Company confidence from the onset of the bookbuild and helped FEH in reaching its final target price. This is the first transaction completed by AMTD for FEH, demonstrating its ability to assist high quality Chinese conglomerates in completing debt capital market transactions.
FEH is one of China's leading innovative financial services institutions. With its business philosophy of "finance+industry", Far East Horizon is committed to providing customers with bespoke industry integration services through continuous innovation in products and services. Its mission is “integrating global resources, promoting China’s industries”. In numerous sectors such as healthcare, construction, education, livelihood & consumption, machinery, transportation, public utilities, Far East Horizon has launched integration services for industries including financial services, industrial investment, construction, trade brokering and management consulting. Over the last 10+ years, it has been at the forefront of growth trends in the industry and has appeared in the Fortune China 500 and Forbes Global 2000.